Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Key

This was done as a process demo for one of my classes, and I offered it up for auction to a very worthy cause: the Art Fundraiser to Benefit the Atlanta Animal Welfare Committee. The auction/gala was this weekend... see comments below!!


carra said...

Oh, I love this! Hope the little guy was able to get the lion out of the cage! (Despite the danger to himself, one might add :)) Great take on the theme.

ELK said...

wonderful piece ~i hope it will too...great take on IMT ~ elk

Jessica Monte said...

I like the symbolism in this painting, as well as the technique and skill.

Well done.

Vanessa said...

Lovely illustration! Wishing you all the best this weekend!

Unknown said...

really lovely - the expression on the lions face is great.

soulbrush said...

this fantastic, i would buy it. wow.

Rick Lovell said...

Great news!Got a note from the organizers...

I wanted to say thank you for your art donation. It went for the highest bid of the evening for 500.00. That means you helped us to help TWENTY animals at the Free Spay/neuter event were having on May 19th.

Thank you so much for helping to reduce the number of unwanted animals put to sleep every year in Metro Atlanta Shelters. Currently 80,000 animals are put to sleep in Atlanta every year.

Our goal is to reduce that number and you helped to make a huge difference for the animals and their owners who cant afford to have them spayed or neutered.

Thank you!!
Atlanta Animal Welfare Committee