This piece was done for an article for Airbrush Action Magazine. The article was about using lace and other materials to airbrush through to get "lacy" effects. Several different paper doilies and lace patterns were used here to get that heavy brocade robe and the fancy collar.
The artwork was done with acrylics on gessoed masonite panel. The brick background was added later in Photoshop to give it a dark, catacomb look.
this is amazing. cartoonish and serious at the same time. so complex and well, just very cool. thanks!
I agree with Latisha. Funny to see it as I am now reading "Foucault's Pendulum."
Wonderful color and concept and portrait of a character. The explanation of how you got the lace on the picture was interesting.
ha ha so apt...i used a doiley as well.
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