From a time when cars represented much more than transportation from point A to point B. They represented transportation from childhood to adulthood, or so we thought. Cars were the way out, of the confinement of parents and home, as well as a way in, to the freedom of the road and independence. It's still that way today, I guess. Though the cars have changed and the culture of the road has changed, the romance of riding down the two-lane with the wind in your hair is still a siren song for everyone who wonders what is just beyond the next hill.
Acrylics on Strathmore illustration board with a touch of Photoshop for effect.
Great painting! Wow! And it brings back memories.
My hubby had an old car with tail fins just like that!
Ahh, the '59 Chevy Impala, one of the ultimate finsters!
Great job Rick, nicely done.
tail fins.... ahh... i start to dream. :)
great painting!
fins to the left fins to the right now thats when cars were cars today the all look the same nothing out there inspires me...except maybe my jeep
Great illo, I scrolled through your blog and you are very talented (and very mysterious, like your kitty trench.
I really love your style. It nearly seems like a photo.
Super - beautifully rendered!
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