Friday, December 09, 2005


This image was done as a demo for one of my illustration classes. It's just a silly piece that really has no agenda, but it lends itself to any interpretation one might want to put on it. I call it "Bush be Nimble", and it's the expression on some of the onlookers faces that makes it fit the theme.


Muffins62489 said...

I had read your comment in my blog and I would just like to say that I am fully aware that Art teachers despise anime. Fortunately, I only draw it in my spare time and I do not plan on having anything "anime-related" in my portfolio when I apply for colleges. I have shown works from my first portfolio already when I went to MICA for a National Portfolio day, and I was glad to hear good feedback from both them, and The University of the Arts.

les said...

Thanks for the advice about my illustration. I'll remember that for next time.

Oh, and I wasn't trying to be irreverent...just honest. I mean, wouldn't you have the crap scared out of you if you were a 14 year old girl and some dude showed up from out of no where and told you, you were going to have a baby even though you've never had sex and that the Holy Spirit was going to indwell you and you would give birth to GOD?!

Anonymous said...


valerie walsh said...


carla said...

Rick...this is pretty nutty, but I like it. Hmmm...what would happen if he landed on his head? I know i always say this, but one more time won;t hurt...your work is amazing! I have such admiration for your realistic style...everything is so crisp and detailed.

Cecilia's Art said...

ust i have one word for this: AMAZING, ah! i have another one, jajajajajaja!!!!!!!!, for that man.
sorry but i dont like him.

Rick Lovell said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone...interesting that they're all from women.
I can't pretend to have ANY idea what a surprise pregnancy might be, much less if I were a virgin and my child was the Son of God. I mean, that's more pressure than I can even comprehend. I'm compelled to say "poor Mary", but then, I guess her little boy turned out okay.
kay susan and valgalart- many thanks. I enjoy seeing your work every week as well.
You're always too kind. You've no idea how much I enjoy seeing and reading your entries...always a visual treat and often a challenge for my mind as well.
Thanks again for your wonderful words and your boundless enthusiasm. I'm going to have to get to Argentina some day to take in all that energy and alegria.

Twisselman said...

Yep, that's Dubya all over (and over and over). Politics aside, very nice, per your usual.

Unknown said...

Nice painting!

Tony Sarrecchia said...

Who knew he had it in him? LOL...Great job.

Todd DeWolf said...

Very interesting and really well done. Outstanding!

Ginger*:) said...

Extremely well done, and yes, surprising.

Amy said...

Are they going to catch him? LOL They looked suprised and stunned. Love the illustration, the style, the details. Very nice work.

Anonymous said...

Yea, are they going to catch him or let him fall on his face? *LOL* Great illo and wonderful details :)

Jaimie said...

Great illustration! what medium did you use. I hope Chimpy McFlightsuit falls on his head!

Rick Lovell said...

Thanks, folks. It's clear that Dubya's approval rating isn't all that great here on IF. I teach at an art school and he is burned in effigy daily.
As for medium, it's a bizarre combination of everything; start with pencil, add some acrylic wash, top that with some watercolor, fix it and cover the whole thing with a frightening wash of turpentine, dioxazine purple and permanent green oils, erase out the light areas, fix that, and finish it off with colored pencils and acrylics. For a step-by-step of thisd technique (on a different illustration), go here and scroll down.

Caroline said...

What a mixture you use, that's almost as big a surprise as the image... which is very amusing!

Anonymous said...


Don't tell me you can't thnk of anything for 'imagine'!?!

Cecilia's Art said...


feliz navidad!!!!!!!!!!

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Christine Lim said...

Mine! what a illo! superb composition and craftsmanship. Cool! :)