I've done lots of cat illustrations, but this is one of my favorites. It was for a poster for a jazz festival that has a running theme "We're the Cats that Make it Happen". I did a different poster for the same event a couple of years later and posted it here for the theme "Small" a few weeks ago. I hope to do a new cat piece specifically for IF if I have time this week.
Eccentric Escher Effort

I'm a big M.C. Escher fan, so when I got the opportunity to do something that involves the idea of multiple points of view, I jumped at the chance to play with strange spacial relationships and impossible forms. It was great fun, and incorporates many different traditional media as well as some tweeks in Photoshop.
The sea: water. It's the nectar of all life. There will never be any more nor any less than there is at this moment. The water that we are drinking today was in the sea just a short time ago, and it will be again. Let's take care of it, and everything that lives in it. It's a matter of life and death.
Done from scratch in Photoshop for Illustration Friday.